Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How to be more outgoing, stylish and make the guys like me?

i used to be the girl who had two friends and wore a t-shirt and shorts everyday. but i became friends with more popular/stylish girls they arent preppy at all but they dress really nice. and i want to start wearing prettier clothes and kinda be more girlyish. i am going to 8th grade (starting high school they changed around grades in my district dumb) but i want to be more flirty and outgoing and make guys notice me more. im really nervous!! any tips? please help! thanks:)How to be more outgoing, stylish and make the guys like me?
Whatever you do dont be fake to fit in because if you need to be fake for those certain friends there so not worth your time....anyways start to dress cuter to help build your confidence and become more outgoing at the same tiime even if thats skinny jeans, plaid, graphic tees, uggs, vests, cardi's etc dress up your wardrobe...Just talk and make yourself comfortable making conversation with people and not becoming shy or itimidated especially by a guy dont make yourself seem desprete either when trying to get guys to like you just be yourself and become more comfortable in your own skin...make your group laugh...be one of the leaders dont become someone's pet a.k.a a follower and do what others say do just to hang......Sorry this is so long but yea just HAVE FUN and be yourselfHow to be more outgoing, stylish and make the guys like me?
just be confident in whatever u do

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