what exactly do black people mean by''we want equality''?
sounds to me like they want every job possible,every scolership,they want to say anything they want,but u cant say it it possible the reason the black person didnt get hired was because the person whocdid was more qualified,or that the kid who got the scolership had a higher sat score and better grades,or is it the little invisible white man in every corner who changes grades,and job application info just so the black person didnt get hired.after all if the black person didnt get the job,or scolership it is cleary racist.and doest the double standard in this country actually make blacks look inferior.think about it,if they can say things whites cant,or they will be punished,doesnt that make the reason seem bacause they are not equall?
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Who is conducting a war on white people? See:
FACT: 20,000 black-on-white rapes every year in the US, but fewer than 100 white-on-black rapes.
How badly do you really want to live in an 'integrated' community with blacks?
FACT: Blacks make up 12% of the population, yet are 50% of the prison population.
FACT: This means that blacks commit NINE TIMES the crimes of whites. (That's NOT 9% -- it's 900%!) It means that if there were equal numbers of blacks and whites in our population, NINE OF EVERY TEN CRIMINALS WOULD BE BLACK. NOTE: Some have claimed that black crime is high because 'racist' cops target blacks for arrest and 'racist' judges heap convictions on innocent blacks; but statistics belie this: Three of the cities highest in crime are Washington DC, New Orleans and Detroit; and yet the government of all these cities is in black hands; so clearly the cause of high crime in these cities is not 'racial targeting of blacks'. More generally, black crime is high WHEREVER you go; and it would be the world's most absurd conspiracy theory to suppose that the across-the-board high crime rates for blacks originated in a collusion of whites in every city and burg in the nation to target blacks and/or cook the books.
Note: The J-E-W Media never publishes the true ';hate crimes'; in America; On January 5, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, quietly introduced the Anti-Defamation League's federal hate crimes bill into the House of Representatives. This is the same hate bill she introduced two years ago, which was passed by the House in fall 2005. Previously called The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act, this freedom-stealing legislation has been repeatedly defeated, usually as a result of public outcry and Republican opposition in Conference.
It's time to bury the hate bill in an avalanche of protest from tens of thousands of Americans! This is how we defeated the hate bill three times in the last two years. This is how we can again save free speech for our children, our grandchildren and ourselves.
WOLF: INTC, SpecOps, Commando, BlackWatchWhy do Yahoo Answer Nodwells refuse to publish the truth?
Reading you rant (please learn how ot spell), I almost forgot what your question was.
Going back to what do black people mean when they want equality, if that they want to considered on an individual basis.
i.e. they want people who are in a postition to make decisions on them to look at them as a person, not them as black.
Of course, if you ask different people, you will get different answers. Just remember to learn to spell.Why do Yahoo Answer Nodwells refuse to publish the truth?
You need to find some outlet for this hatred bubbling up from your soul, my friend. It's gonna eat you up.
Get a life...
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