Monday, November 22, 2010

How to get my professor to change my grade?

i'm a college Sophmore and so far i have a PERFECT GPA. i intend to keep it that way. The semester is over in 3 classes and i've asked my professors what my grades will be like. 4/5 of them said i'm doing A work so if i continue A work (on the final exam) i'll definately get an A. But one a.s.shole professor is threatening me with an A-. He can ruin my perfect GPA because he gave me a B+ on one of my oral presentations. I asked him if i can do extra credit to make up and he said ';NO!';. what should i do, what should i say to my professor? i've averaged my class grade out for this philosophy class and it's like a 92 average. i've averaged the midterm, test 1, test 2, 2 oral presentations, and a paper. He is an a.s.shole people say he is hard and a tough grader and it's almost impossible to get A in his class. He said if i get a 100 on the difficult final, he'll give me my A then he went on laughing. what do i do to get my A? i know i won't get 100.How to get my professor to change my grade?
Just remember that life goes onHow to get my professor to change my grade?
Do hard work ok
I was always an A+ student, but one class I received an A- and it was NOT the end of the world. A- is a very good grade. I could understand if you received a C, D or F
How do you know you won't? Study study study study study. Emphasize it. Tape notecards all over your mirror. Make them your computer's screen saver. Recite it in your sleep. Study. Study. Read it, tell it. Talk about it until you drive people batty. Make the highest grade you can;maybe a hundred, maybe not.

Then move on.
first poster, do you read? she stated that he said she can't get extra credit.

original poster, i was this way. you have to realize that you can't be perfect all the time. you're gonna have to deal with people like this in the work place, too. consider this a lesson and just move on.

don't universities have places where you can appeal? if you think you have a case to appeal, then do that. otherwise, i think deep down, you know that his grade was fair.

this reminds me of a movie i just saw-teaching mrs tingle. lol. not trying to give you any ideas.

also, if you have some dirt on your teacher-yeah.
The Professor has a standard. You didnt meet that standard. He isnt an A hole for having integrity. You are a spoiled brat. Welcome to the real world. You wont get full credit for substandard work unless you go work for the government.

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