1. Eligibility of Events
Any chess congress or individual tournament in the British Isles (including the Channel Islands) may be included in the 2005/6 English Chess Federation Grand Prix. Eligibility is dependent on affiliation with, or approval by, the national organisation in which the event is situated. Leagues, team competitions and matches are not eligible for the Grand Prix. The Grand Prix commences immediately after the end of the last event of the preceding 2004/5 Grand Prix and finishes at the end of the Smith %26amp; Williamson British Chess Championships in Swansea. There is no charge for events to be included in the Grand Prix but English events must submit their games for grading, pay game fee giving discounts to direct members according to current instructions.
2. Eligibility of players
All British Isles competitors in eligible events are entitled to compete for Grand Prix points.
3. Grand Prix points
The 2005/6 Grand Prix is divided into nine sections:-
a) Grand Prix - open to all players
b) Female Prix - open to all female players
c) Junior Prix - open to all players born after 31/08/87
d) Senior Prix - open to all players born before 01/09/45
e) Disabled Prix - open to all players with disabilities
A disabled person means a person who has a disability as defined in Section 1(1) and Schedule 1 of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995
f) Graded Prix - open to all players born between 01/09/45 and 31/08/87 inclusive, who have a ECF grade or Scottish, Irish or Welsh converted grade in the ranges below. The Graded Prix will be organised into four sections as follows:- Grades 150-174; Grades 125-149; Grades 100-124; Grades Under 100
4. Responsibility of events
a) Before the event:-
i) All events must announce in their entry forms that they are part of the English Chess Federation Grand Prix.
ii) Prior to an event taking place at least five entry forms must be submitted to the English Chess Federation Office
iii) Where no entry form is produced (e.g. invitation events) the Grand Prix must be announced to the entrants on invitation and in any bulletin/publicity relating to the event.
b) During the event: -
All events must display the Grand Prix Leader tables and Rules which will be available on the English Chess Federation Website. Exceptionally where a congress has no internet access, a copy will be provided by the ECF Office if a written request is made to that effect.
c) After the event :-
Within 10 days of the end of the event, the organisers must send all relevant details post to the English Chess Federation Office on the on-line form given on the ECF website. Exceptionally where a congress has no internet access, a paper copy will be provided by the ECF Office if a written request is made to that effect.
5. Scoring Points
(i) Grand Prix
(a) Calculating points
Grand Prix points will be calculated on players' best performances in open events up to a maximum of 250 Grand Prix points. Players may take part in as many Grand Prix Tournaments as they wish. Grand Prix points cannot be scored in any ';grading limited'; tournament.
(b) Scoring points and bonuses
(i) Grand Prix points will be scored by any player whose score is at least 1陆 pts above a 50% score (e.g. 4/5; 4陆/6).
(ii) In addition any player who finishes in the top three of an event either alone or jointly will be eligible for grand prix points irrespective of score
(iii) Longer events with attract bonus points as follows; 8-9 round events + 陆 pt; Ten rounds or over + 1 point.
(iv) In addition bonus points will be awarded based on the strength of the event as follows:- event FIDE rated + 陆 pt; event offers IM norm qualification + 1pt; event offers GM norm qualification + 1.5 pts
(v) Bonuses achieved at (iii) %26amp; (iv) cannot result in a player scoring more than 100% for any event.
(c) Multiple points
Events will be allocated single points in the Grand Prix; multiple points will be awarded dependent on the event's stature
o Prize Money 拢150-拢299 Double Points
o Prize Money 拢300-拢449 Triple Points
o Prize Money 拢450-拢599 Points x 4
o Prize Money 拢600-749 Points x 5
o Prize Money Above 拢750 Points x 6
o Prize Money Above 拢1500 Points x 7
1 extra multiple will be awarded if membership of the ECF (and/or the appropriate national body if the event if held elsewhere in the British Isles) is a compulsory requisite of entrance
(d) Exceptions
(i) Blitz events (other than the British Blitz Championship) will now score 50% (half) points only (scores being rounded down to the nearest half). The British Blitz Championship will continue to score at single points.
(ii) Rapidplay events can score up to a maximum of x 4 points
ii) Female Prix
Female Prix points will be calculated on players' best performances in events up to a maximum of 125 Female Prix points. Players may take part in as many events as they wish. Points multiples as in Rule 5(c) apply.
Female prix points will be scored by any player whose score is at least 陆 pt above a 50% score (eg 3/5; 3陆/6). Longer events will attract bonuses as in the Grand Prix
(iii) Junior Prix
Junior Prix points will be calculated on players' best performances in events up to a maximum of 125 Junior Prix points. Players may take part in as many Tournaments as they wish. Points multiples as in Rule 5(c) apply.
(i) Junior Prix points will be scored by any player whose score is at least 1陆 pts above a 50% score (eg 4/5; 4陆/6). Longer events will attract bonuses as in the Grand Prix
(ii) In addition any player who finishes in the top three of an event either alone or jointly will be eligible for junior prix points irrespective of score
(iv) Senior Prix
Senior Prix points will be calculated on players' best performances in events up to a maximum of 125 Senior Prix points. Players may take part in as many events as they wish. Points multiples as in Rule 5(c) apply.
Senior prix points will be scored by any player whose score is at least 陆 pt above a 50% score (eg 3/5; 3陆/6). Longer events will attract bonuses as in the Grand Prix
(v) Disabled Prix
Disabled Prix points will be calculated on players' best performances in tournaments up to a maximum of 75 Disabled Prix points. Players may take part in as many Tournaments as they wish. Points multiples as in Rule 5(c) apply.
Disabled prix points will be scored by any player whose score is at least 陆 pt above a 50% score (eg 3/5; 3陆/6). Longer events will attract bonuses as in the Grand Prix.
(vi) Graded Prix
Graded Prix points will be calculated on players' best performances up to a maximum of 125 Graded Prix points. Players may take part in as many events as they wish. Graded Prix points can be scored in grading limited events only. Points multiples as in Rule 5(c) apply. Eligibility for each section will be based on the ECF Standard play list or where no standard grade is held, the Rapidplay List or the appropriate national grading list for non-English players.
(i) Graded Prix points will be scored by any player whose score is at least 1陆 pts above a 50% score (eg 4/5; 4陆/6). Longer events will attract bonuses as in the Grand Prix
(ii) In addition any player who finishes in the top three of an event either alone or jointly will be eligible for graded prix points irrespective of score
(vii) Reaching the maximum
Once a player's performances have reached the potential maximum level in any group they can continue playing but can replace any scoring event with another better scoring event; this can include one part score. Points will always be scored as either 陆 or 1; part scores being rounded down to the nearest half point below.
6. Rapidplay, speed and Blitz tournaments
The definition of the above tournaments are as given by FIDE.
7. Application of Rules
The application of these rules and any decisions relating to them on any matters either covered or not covered within the English Chess Federation Grand Prix remains with the Federation. Any decision made by the Federation on matters within the Grand Prix is final and binding on all events and entrants. The Federation reserves the right to change the scope and rules of the Grand Prix for forthcoming years.
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