hi. well, my life right now is like a cycle of torture. i've been depressed and even looked in my closet for something i could kill myself with. (even though i would NEVER have the guts to commit suicide)
here goes.
after my best friend (who I would only talk to about this kinda stuff) moved schools, (i only see her once every month or two) it kinda brought out all the other bad things in my life. i felt like a failure, i felt fat, ugly, stupid. then, when i felt at my worst my other best friend (let's call her Kate) sent me an email saying i was mean. it tore my apart. i asked why, and she said that i was grumpy all the time. well, that didn't make me feel happier. she was still friends w/ me though. then, she told me that our ex-friend who was popular talked behind her back. So Kate sent her an email about how she hated her. Then the popular girl fired at me and said i was a b****. then, Kate said there was a missunderstanding and that she forgave her. I asked why, and all she said is that it was too complicated. I kept asking why, but she never answered me. I felt like i was left in the water and didn't know how to swim. So, all that plus Kate changing, grades, parents, boys, puberty. I feel depressed 24/7 and sometimes suicidal.
So.... basically how can i just forget all this and move on.How can I get my life back on track? (Girl's answer only)?
Ok, so, it sounds like ';Kate'; needs a bit of a reality check here. What she is doing is stirring the pot because she doesn't have anything better to do. She really shouldn't be getting in the middle of things that have to do with you. You deserve to know what happened but at this point you probably won't find out. But the truth is none of this is worth your time. I know its hard to believe cause these girls may be the only ones you associate yourself with, but they are the ones with issues. Some girls just need to cause random drama to make themselves feel better. From what I can tell you are definitely the more mature one in this friendship and once you put all this behind you and realize how much of a waste of energy this is, you are also the bigger person. It might be hard now but try and get into the habit of not lingering on whatever these girls say. They are only looking for a reaction so don't give it to them. You can still be friends with this girl but you need to make her understand that you don't want all the drama that she's concocting. I know where you're coming from and it sucks to be in a situation like that but the fact that you are acknowledging it means you are at somewhat of a turning point.
When it comes to all the other stuff remember that you're still young and you have your whole life ahead of you. things will come and go but the most important thing is that you have confidence in yourself and that you can keep going no matter what life throws at you. This will take work but its worth it. Try channeling these feelings into something creative.
Just remember that suicide is really not the answer to your problems. Its just a way of giving up and giving up is not what someone with promise and a future should do.
I hope I helped. :) Stay strong!!!!!How can I get my life back on track? (Girl's answer only)?
go and get some depression pills
Listen to some good music and dance! Laugh! Just be happy, even if you have to fake it. Because if you fake happiness long enough, you will eventually be happy.
Ditch Kate, and find new friends who actually care about you. You'll discover that everything can be fixed and put back together, try to focus on things in your life that are happy. good luck!
It's not a matter of forgetting it. It's a matter of taking the lessons out of all of this and re-framing them into something good. From what you said above it seems ALL that you are focusing on are your losses and not the good things in your life.
Right NOW--sit down and write 10 good things that you have in your life! Each day...look over and read these good things. Just because your best friend move away, does not mean you can still chat with her. Schedule a time once a week to talk--either online or by phone (if you have free long distance).
Get involved with some positive volunteer activity---on a Saturday morning...volunteer to help at a food bank, a shelter, library, nursing home, etc etc. This will take the focus OFF of you and give you a better perspective that life is not just about what is going on with US.
By volunteering --it will also help you--get out of the childish--antics that girls get into--power plays bitc* calling etc.
Also, learn to stop allowing people to take up space in your head that are not paying rent.
Learn to be like a duck--a duck has a thin coat of oil on it...that prevents the water from absorbing into their feathers....if the water did absorb into their feathers they would sink!
Be like a duck, pretend you have put on a thin coat of oil and let the crap--of other people run off of you!
Hello Liz,
I think you should find some new friends who like you for who you are. Friends are important at a time like this. Hang out with some nice girls/guys at school.
Think optimistically about everything! Look in the mirror and think, 'what pretty hair!' 'what beautiful eyes!'
Start your day right, good music, tasty breakfast and so on. This should help your overall mood throughout the day. Focus only on the important things.
Suicide is not a good idea, why take your own life? You have so much to live for!
Think about the things you love, surround yourself with those.
Hope this helped!
Good luck!
calm down. think about things from another perspective. i find that meditation does wonders in the long run especially once you get the hang of it. it makes things less stressful. anyway. other things i would suggest are finding another friend to support you. your current best friend doesn't seem very reliable and seems a tad manipulative. so find another person that will be supportive of you. you very well might have a friend already that would make a great true friend once you build up a better relationship. all this has worked for me. i have a good friend that supports me, helps me deal with my depression without having to take medication, and who i trust with everything. meditation works too because it helps you figure out what matters and what doesn't. same with looking at a different perspective. best of luck.
This may not be what you want to hear, but time. I have a friend who is in cheer-leading, dance, gymnastics, very smart, and extremely beautiful. For a long time I hated her more than anything for getting all the boys, and the attention. The thing is, talk it out. Your life is like a book, God will give you the book and make you read each chapter. Right now, your ready to burn the book and just give up. Don't. Just turn the page. Or, you can try to erase the page, and rewrite it. You may not be able to erase the mistakes, but you may change it for the future. Try talking to your friend, figure out why she's doing this. Don't take ' no I'm not gonna tell you ' for an answer. Either that, or move on, it's hard, but you may have to do it. I would talk to someone, therapist, parent, family, anyone. Best of luck, PuggyNitro
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