You are more then welcome to email me. I want to help you. But if you don't want to I understand. I thinkn that if you are still in High School. Get involved, play sports, join a club. Somewhere away from those friends that will only get you more upset... Your parents love you and you would never want to do anything to hurt them. However, you also have to think about sooo many possibilities. Please seek help, email me. I will also talk to you on the phone if you wish, just don't do it. Its not worth it.Just help me please. I really can't take this anymore.?
Charlie, don't give up... You will do great in whatever you decide to do. You just have to set your mind and heart to it... You have problems that we may not all understand, but we do know that anything is possible as long as you want to. Get involved and make new great friends!
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Sigh Charlie boy Im in the same situation as you best thing to do is to like get closer to your parents listen to calm music or like have a hobbie like photography it really changes It changed me atleast
There are people in life that care about you. Im a Christian too and i am in no way perfect. ';For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God -Romans 3:23'; Im only 15 i can relate. I agree with you that there are just plain sick people out there but killing yourself will not help anything. God will get you through this we all have are good days and bad days. I understand that it may not seem to get any better but it will given time. God never forgets about us. At school try to hang around the right crowds making good friends is such a help in times of trouble. ';For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16'; Give god a chance He wont let you down and Never give up. God has a plan for you - Alex
wow, that is really a sad story, and i would say, first of all, DON'T KILL YOUR SELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you really feel that you cant talk to your parents you should try to talk to a school councilor when you start school again, they may be able to help, and if that doesn't work you may want to see if your parents can take you to a shrink or a Doctor to get help!!! man i feel sooooooooooo bad for you right now!!!!!!! i actually started crying while reading your story, i really hope it gets better!! i honestly do, good luck!!! :)
blehh suicidal thoughts suck huh? used to have lots of those... find someone to vent to. if everyone makes fun of you, try going to a school counciler, or any other trusted person. If you catch yourself being mean for no reason, stop yourself. It takes a lot of will power, but after you've done it, you'll feel better. If you want depression pills, i recommend talking to your doctor. (i'm sure you can find the phone number for the doctor and call them up) I get really angry sometimes, but thats why i play organized soccer. Try taking up a sport. It takes your mind off of everything, which is really nice sometimes. If you ever get really mad, take a walk around your neighborhood. Or a run. Or just listen to some really nice music. If you feel like you need to cry, then CRY. You can't keep everything bottled up, because eventually you will break. You can try siting your parents down and talking to them. telling them you are completely serious. If they don't believe you, DON'T get mad, just calmly say, well that's fine if you don't believe me, but this is TRUE.
Hope i helped some
I can completely understand everything you wrote there...and relate toit. Its very odd because...I don't think I have ever beenable to say that before. Change a few minor details and it feels like I am the one that typed that.. Anyways.. I'm with 'Yes... Me' on this one, if you want to talk about it then please, do not be afraid to send me and email.. I'll try my best to help...I'm only 16 so it shouldn't be that hard to relate.
And again, like 'Yes... Me' said, I understand if you don't want to. But don't kill yourself..especially as a teenager... I've always told myself..its just one of those things you'd do that you'd regret and wish to god you'd never have done.. except you dont have the luxury of being able to regret what you did and learn from it.
well maybe all u need is a really good friend, or family member that can help u out, whenever u feel like ur getting angry, seclude yourself somewhere and calm down, think about something that truly makes u happy. and u should get new friends if the ones u have think its funny to get u upset, thats not right. commiting suicide is not the answer though, trust me. life is life, god never gives u more than u can handle and that holds true with everyone. but the best thing to do is find someone u truly trust and talk to them, about everything, no offense or anything but maybe a counselor or shrink would do some help. u need to open up fully, and i know u have tried already, but this time sit your parents down, ask them not to say a word until u finish and tell them everything your feeling and whats been going on and all your thoughts. and tell them that your not overreacting, this is truly how u feel and u have to have someone help you.
Hey Im really sorry about you situation im a christian also and im 13 too but pray and listen to dhristian music alot of it is about the value of life kj52 has some music about that but alota people dont like his music his songs are funny and sum are serious but talk to your pastor or a youth group leader at your church find some christian friends and if your parents dont believe you break down in tears in front of them so they know you are being serious dont commit sucide you are made for a reason god makes us all for a reason he loves you and your friends and parents all love you they just may not seem to but thy do they wouldnt have had you if they can email me.ill be praying for you
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