Monday, June 6, 2011

What should i do? I feel like i might be depressed but i don't want help.?

For the last couple months ive been feeling really weird. It's so hard to explain. Im not even sure i know how i feel. I am a senior in high school. I have gone through 3 years with awesome grades. mostly a's and soem b's here and there. This year has been diff. My grades have dropped. My college stuff isnt done yet and deadlines are approaching. I have had 3 girlfriends this school year one of which i cheated on. I'm not an asshole. I still dont know why i did it. The girl im with now is awesome. Im happy when im with her. But when im alone im so sad. I feel so anxious all the time. I get the butterflys everynight and feel nervous. I get headaches daily. I have had a stomach ache for the past week that hasn't stopped yet. Ive started smoking cigars this year with friends. Not alot. every now and then. Also drinking occasionally. and tried weed for the first time last week. I feel like i fake being happy. all my friends love me. parents and co workers. my boss. they all think im the sweetest person in the world.. My family think im lazy... and i dont get along with my parents at all. i cant talk to them. i cant wait to leave and go to college.... but idk if i will even get in one. I feel like i have depression and anxiety... the only person ive told is my girlfriend who agreed not to tell anyone. I dont want to tell my parents. MY mom is sick and cant breathe. they have been running tests for months and still no solution. she mostly just stays home and does nothing can when she moves she gets out of breath. she has enough on her hands and i dont want her having to worry about me. can anyone give me advice on what to do? i really dont want to get help form anyone. but i dont know if there is any other option now. When i look at the symptoms: falling grades, change in realtionships, feeling of sadness and despair, thinking about death(but not actually planning on doing anything), headaches, always tired but at the same time im so restless. How can you be exhasted and restless at the same time? i wish i knew. my head feels like it is about to explode at time. if anyone has any advice i would gladly take it. and i apologize for spelling errors. i cant focus on writing this and i really dont wanna proof read it. cant concentrate.What should i do? I feel like i might be depressed but i don't want help.?

you should give your mama some support.. tell her if she needs anything, you'll be there. research online on how to get her better.. tell her to go for a walk every day and focus on breathing, and get her to see a doctor because it could be very serious.

the fact that you're feeling like this with your family is normal- you're a teenager for heaven's sake, we were built not to get along with parents!!!! jokes aside, i felt like that and occassionally still do. it sees to me your a little depressed. i am no Dr Phil, but you might have cheated on your girlfriend because you thought you were 'missing something' in life because of your crappy relationship with parents and other life problems.

i was at a point in my life where everything was going downhill... i felt like i had no one, even my parents were turning against me. i wanted to die. i thought about suicide a few times and would punch myself and punch concerete and hurt myself. i'm over this now and this is how i got through it..............

TALKING THROUGH IT! it's best done through a councellor. i even found talking with close relatives and friends a good way to unravel your emotions. seriously i know it sounds silly, but talking about it helps so much. it helps get things of your chest and makes you feel like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders. dont ever bottle things inside of you because it can lead to big mental and emotional issues. keep writing poems, write songs, scream at yourself in the mirror, do anything to release your anger that does not involve hurting anyone around you. i find hardcore exercise helps!! go for a run and tell me how good that feels.

if you think you need one, then sometimes a psychatrist is a good option because their opinions, advice and therpaies are valuable to get better

YOU KNOW HOW YOU CAN GET THE BIGGEST REVENGE EVERYONE? not by killing yourself or harming yourself. because you will be wasting your own life. you wont be getting anything out of it because you'll be dead or injured or lonely. the best thing is SUCCESS. study really hard and work towards a goal. what do you want to be when you finish school? work towards that goal, get that job, get heaps of $$$ and move far away in a beautiful house, drive cool cars, wear amazing clothes etc. put posters or pictures around your room of you inspirations e.g. put up a pic of a house you'd like to buy one day, a celebrity you want to look like etc. REMEMBER THERE IS A WHOLE WORLD OUT THERE.. YOU'RE NOT GOING TO STAY LIKE THIS FOREVER!! life will get better , just be strong and hang in there.

positive self-talk is the way to go. remind yourself that you are worth it, you are beautiful, you are amazing, that any girl would want you. !!!!remember that you can always start life fresh, forget about the past, focus on the present and blossom into the future!!!!!! here are some quotes i found helpful:

Life is a song - sing it.

Life is a game - play it.

Life is a challenge - meet it.

Life is a sacrifice - offer it.

Life is love - enjoy it.

-Sai Baba

“You can do what you have to do, and sometimes you can do it even better than you think you can.” – Former President Jimmy CarterWhat should i do? I feel like i might be depressed but i don't want help.?
Well, no one wants to accept being sick.

However, the alternative is to go on being sick and getting no help and becoming suicidal.

If you had a heart problem wouldn't you seek help?

See the doctor. Take your post for an icebreaker if you want. he's heard everything. This is what they do.

Help is waiting for you to reach out and take it.
i've been there, done that. hell, im here now.

truthfully, being on here might not get the answers you hope for or expected, but it could also all help you.

in all seriousness, i know exactly how you feel. i too am a senior in highschool and i was diagnosed as clinically depressed with severe anxiety 2 years ago. im not recommending anything, but when i felt the way you do now, i scheduled a doctors appointment myself, never told anybody and recieved answers from a professional point of view. i honestly hope that maybe this is only a phase for you and you pop outta this funk. if not, maybe the doctors is the way to go sunshine.

i with all the best for your mum, and yourself :)

as cheesy as this may sound, dont feel alone. many people know exactly how you feel, and what you're going through.
The cirrent craze over depression is a result of ';Big Pharm's'; advertising anti-depressants and physicians ';suckering into'; the fad. Depression is a natural emotion, one of 6-8 basic ones you are born with, and need to live. Look up ';emotions'; in a Yahoo! web search; wikipedia has a good summary.See for the truth about psychiatry and many so called disorders.

If depression is continual or extreme and persists so it interferes with normal functioning then it is deemed ';clinical depression'; and may need psychotherapy to alleviate. This too is fraught with danger as there are at least 1000 schools of psychotherapy.

In my experience depression, when continual, is caused by negative thinking and depression causes negativity in a self reinforcing cycle of negativity and depression. To break out of it you have to learn to think positive most of the time. Try ';learning to think positive'; in a Yahoo! web search for links telling how to do this.
You have a classic case of depression and anxiety but it you don't want help there is nothing anyone can do. It will get worse and could become a serious mental problem.

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