Monday, June 6, 2011

How can i get my professor to change my test grade?

on my physics exam, i made really simple mistakes and the professor took off a good amount of points for these small errors. for example at one point in a problem i forgot to add a decimal which made my answer wrong. but overall i understood every question enough to make 100 but bc of these careless mistakes my grade with down to a C. so how can i approach the situation to the professor.. what should i say to convince him to higher my gradeHow can i get my professor to change my test grade?
Find places where your test was graded incorrectly. If there aren't any, then don't make mistakes next time. Small mistakes add up - and you don't deserve a higher grade because of them. Your teacher won't consider it, and will probably just be insulted you asked. Try harder next time.How can i get my professor to change my test grade?
Sleep with him/her.
I bumped up allot of grades back in college and sometimes i bumped some down because of a stupid move or word. your prof. sounds like a very anal person. what i do is go talk to them, and im sure if u know ur mistakes in the test you can argue your self out of couple by showing him that your solution made sense, the most important thing when you talk to them is that you do not at any time get angry or irritated cause anal prof. like him tend to have a very bad attitude when it comes to grading. and second of all your gonna have to go through it all, master everything so you can have it covered when you talk to him.

or you can tell him you are very concerned about your grade and you know you can do better so if he can give you a small research or something to make your grade better.

or you can just chicken out and, fix it in the next test. or ask
You could ask to re-take the test... or if you badly need your score bumping up explain your silly mistakes to him and ask if there is anything you can do. Although in my experience, unless this was a class test, it is unlikely that he will change your grade, if desperate, I would ask if I could redo the test.

If all else fails, its a lesson learnt and double check decimals etc.. next time. :P
You made the errors

YOU won't make those mistakes again

So in that way you have learned something

You are upset about the mark - which means you care, that is good, but a teacher is unlikely to allow a resit for just one pupil without good reason.

The only way you might convince your professor to change your mark, if you did not make the same error in classwork or homework. Which is how the appeals process works on actual exams marked independent of the school
you can go talk to him/her and see what they had been thinking when they were grading the paper and try and explain to them that you do understand it and that they had been Very simple mistakes.

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