I am supposed to have an A according to the final grade my teacher told me in class, but the report card I recieved by mail today, says a B. I need to fix it, how should I do it?How should I change an incorrect grade on my final report card? - school is out.?
Call the school or go by and discuss it with them.
The way our grading system goes, is they take your average from the end of the first nine weeks in a semester class and your average from the end of the second nine weeks.
They average the two together to get your average.
Maybe it's correct.
I'd go by the school though.How should I change an incorrect grade on my final report card? - school is out.?
Double check with the school. If you're transcript or DARS report reflects what the teacher says you have, it won't be an issue (I've had clerical errors lead to financial aid foul-ups, so I know it can be a headache).
But if you're in high school and this is just a matter of showing your folks the real grade, I'd get a signed letter from the school to accompany, just to show you made that effort.
you should email the teacher with your problem and the schools are still probably open for summer school, so there should be at least one guidance counselor or someone who knows what to do with the incorrect grade that can help you out. you should quickly do what you can, before its too late. actually it may not be too late, cuz a girl at my school got her p.e. grade changed from freshmen year the week before graduation, so anything is possible.
your guidance office is likely open a limited number of hours every week. stop by the school or call to find out when these hours are and insist that they look into it.
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