Tuesday, May 31, 2011
How can I make some friendships on my first day?
I'm a 11th grade %26amp; changed my school this year. I'm also gay and I don't have any boy friends (don't want tho). I wanna make some good friendships with the girl but if I say hello to girls on my first day, girls would think I'm flirting 'em. I can't say I am gay because I live in a muslim country. Help!!!How can I make some friendships on my first day?
Dont believe that saying hello to anyone is a sign of flirting. Just do it. Dont try to hard, let conversations come naturally. Friendships are earned and not immediate. Good luck.How can I make some friendships on my first day?
Actual friendships are hard to make on a first day, give them time. Just look for people who seem nice and hang out with them and smile and talk. Not all talking is flirting, make sure you keep your distance and avoid physical contact with those you don't awnt to flirt with. You don't need to tell people you're gay in order to tell them you're not interested in them and just want to be friends.
Bring something interesting or wear something interesting. That would be a good conversation starter. Or just be really cheery %26amp;happy %26amp;out going. If that doesn't work, join clubs, or after school activites. Or if/when you're put into groups during class, that'll be the perfect opprotunity to have more of a sort of one on one communication to make friends. Good luck :)
Make it clear to a girl that you only want to be her friend when you introduce yourself. She may not believe you at first, but be friendly with her and share common interests. Strike up fun conversations that have little or nothing to do with relationships, and don't smother her.
It shouldn't be so hard after a while.
Well... hope I helped!
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